A downloadable game

NB the full text is included below. There are no downloads.

Achievements is a supplement for all tabletop roleplaying games. It ports the concept of achievements from video game platforms like Steam and gaming consoles and makes them a tool in roleplaying games.

Video games in turn derived the concept of achievements from the progression systems of computer rpgs, which of course borrowed them from their tabletop equivalents. The real innovation in achievements was in developing a progression system for the player themselves, not just their in-game avatar.

This supplement not only brings achievements back to tabletop but also innovates further than video games can by empowering players to define the achievements themselves and shape their story together.

Achievements operate independently of the game rules themselves and so can be added to any game. On their own, they can also form the basis of a game themselves and are free to be included in the rules of any new or existing tabletop rpgs.

There are three types of achievements (Plot, Moment, Playstyle) - more details on each below.

When do we write achievements?

Achievements tease what may happen in the future of our game; they engage players and give them direction.

Write the first achievements after setting and characters are established but before play starts. Consider writing more at the start of each subsequent session, but if players are already well-engaged and know exactly what they want to accomplish then there's no need to add more.

Conversely if players actively want to write more achievements then go for it.

Can we scrap particular achievements?

Absolutely. If an achievement becomes redundant or players lose interest in it, then propose removing it and - if no one objects - scrap it.

Writing Achievements

When you write achievements, each player writes up to three: one titled 'Plot', one 'Moment', one 'Playstyle'.

Plot achievements

Are like basic story achievements in video games: like chapter titles that inform one or several scenes. Examples: “Return to Darkmere” or “Encounter the Snowman”. They don't have to mean anything right now, they're just what the players might like to see. In a GMed game, depending on the structure, the GM may choose to write these themselves.

Moment achievements

Are like challenges in video games: an optional action which you can accomplish in a short time. Examples: “Leap off the tallest building in Strathelmere” or “Incapacitate someone using a spoon”.

Playstyle achievements

Encourage different ways of playing (such as no-kill or speed-runs). These influence how the player plays throughout the whole game. Examples: “Act as a subordinate to another” or “Don't spill a drop of another’s blood”.

Adding gamerscore

Each player adds 25 points (divided any way) amongst the achievements written by others. Achievements can be earned by more than one player. At the end, everyone adds up the achievements they consider they earned and adds them to their ongoing gamerscore.

Players then add the value of any achievements they wrote but which were achieved by others to their ongoing gamerscore.

What impact does gamerscore have?

Gamerscore has no effect in play and is bragging rights only. It's purely a mechanism to encourage players to complete achievements that players value and offer achievements that would interest others.


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It has been a long time since I played any computer games (except Pokemon Go) but this is making me want to hear the success music again!

Interesting! I'm thinking a lot about similar things lately. Mechanisms that are system-agnostic but that can steer narrative in some way.

Thanks for sharing :D